Pec Deck
In this video, we are going to talk a little bit about pec deck. I see people doing this wrong all the time. I see people lifting with their shoulders and doing all kinds of stuff wrong. This is a chest movement, and if you're doing it like this, as I explained in the beginner chest press video, to access the chest muscle, your shoulders must be back and down a little bit. This position puts the muscle in front so that as you pull, the muscle can pull. If you lower your chest, now this muscle is in front and doing the pulling. It's not a very good shoulder movement. I'm going to demonstrate this.
Pull this forward. Now, what you want to do is keep your hips back, chest high, shoulders back, and leave them there. Then, as you're pushing forward, think "stick the chest out, chest up." Boom. Chest up, chest up, chest up, chest up. Boom. Now, like every pressing movement, tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter. So tight it stops the muscle, and your whole body is tight, even your legs. Tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter, everything tight.
If you're doing this, I see this all day. This is shoulders. I can feel it in my shoulders. You don't want to work your shoulders. It's not a shoulder movement. It's a crappy shoulder movement. So get the proper form. Work on the form first; the strength and everything else will come later. Get the form down first.